“Don't cry for the horses That life has set free. A million white horses Forever to be. Don't cry for the horses Now in God's hands. As they dance and they prance To a heavenly band. They were ours as a gift But never to keep. As they close their eyes Forever to sleep. Their spirits unbound On silver wings they fly. A million white horses Against the blue sky. Look up into heaven You'll see them above. The horses we los,t The horses we loved. Manes and tails flowing. They Gallop through time. They were never yours, They were never mine.
Don't cry for the horses They will be back someday When our time has come They will show us the way”
― Brenda Riley-Seymore
Euthanasia can absolutely be a positive welfare decision – especially if your horse or dog is elderly or suffering from an injury or disease or has a behavioral issue which means that realistically their quality of life is already compromised or only going to deteriorate.
It is very true that a week too soon is far better than a day too late. Horses don’t have a sense of time, so the idea of ‘giving them one last summer’ is very much for the owner’s benefit, not the horse’s. Horses don’t know what the future holds – they only live in the here and now, so it’s far better to let them go before their quality of life deteriorates